
Friday, March 16, 2012


By TaNashea McLeod

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Well that’s what they say anyway. My question is what is your eye telling you about beauty?
Last year I entered a contest where the contestants had to explain why they loved being full-figured. Although I didn’t win the contest, I did have what Oprah would call an "Aha!!! Moment."
As I soaked in a hot bath long after my husband and three little boys were sleeping, not only did I notice that many of the contestants stories were similar to mine, you know “I used to hate myself now I love myself” that song and dance.
I also began to recall all the times from my past when I had gone on crash diets, taken laxatives, worked out until I almost passed out, and yes even threw up my food.
Don’t act like I’m the only one who has been beyond desperate to fit into the next to impossible requirements that just might and I mean might, put this dark skinned, kinky hair, plus sized girl on the A list of pretty.
Then for the first time in a long time I became frustrated with myself. I wondered why it had taken me so many years to see that while being healthy, making a good first impression and of course being fashionable are all very important.
Knowing who you are and ultimately realizing that it is you who is The Beholder and therefore you who determine what constitutes Beauty.
I know what you’re thinking “Duh!!!” Well all that is easier said than believed.
This letter isn’t a free past to let yourself go and become a slob, but it is a reminder to put one’s self on the A list of pretty.
I can’t really remember the exact day I stopped allowing myself to be governed by the cookie cutter dress code for beauty, but I can remember the freedom that comes with no longer being a slave to someone else’s ideals. For me Beauty is having the courage to try even if it means I may fail. So again I ask you. What is your eye telling you about beauty?


  1. WOW,it fits all of us. I've been there and I am still working to be at peace with that idea. Thanks Ta'Nashea for making me realize that I am not the only one in that place.

    1. Yasmin Thank you for your comment! When I worte this I wasn't sure if anyone would relate. Your words mean alot! xoxo
